Ideas to help your child at home
We all know that children learn best when school works on partnership with home.
At St Andrew's CE Primary School Home learning is designed to further develop the home/school partnership by providing opportunities for children, parents and school to learn together to support and enhance the children’s learning. Parental involvement and in particular, talking about home learning, is vital to maximise children’s progress.
Our school believes that home learning should:
- Involve parents and carers in their child’s education
- Have a clear learning focus.
- Give plenty of opportunities for children to succeed.
- Consolidate and reinforce a wide variety of skills and understanding in a supportive environment.
- Extend learning that has taken place in school.
- Provide children with the opportunity to learn in different settings
- Reflect a range of learning styles and be varied – not just written tasks.
- Encourage children to talk about what they are learning
- Encourage children to develop the self-confidence and discipline needed to study independently
- Prepare children for the transition to secondary school
- Be manageable for teachers
- Develop progressively according to the age of the children
Recommended Websites to Visit
Here are just a few suggestions of safe, fun places for your child to explore and learn on line. Their teacher may suggest other sites linked to their current topic.
If you want more information on activities on line or keeping safe on line please ask your child's teacher.
Reading and Writing
www.bbc.co.uk/education - a great site suitable for all subjects across all ages!
www.topmarks.co.uk - a wide range of literacy activities
Bug Club - your child will have brouoght home details of their login for this fantastic reading site.
Maths Whizz - some children have been issued with a login for this site - lots of great games to play.
www.topmarks.co.uk - a full range of activities for all ages
www.ictgames.com - lots of fun activities to play on line or print off.