Mental Health and Wellbeing
We hope you find this page a useful place for supporting mental health and wellbeing.
The links below provide advice and resources for supporting adults, children and young people.

This is for parents and carers who are feeling anxious or distressed themselves in the current climate, and/or are supporting children who need support with their wellbeing. It is also for parents and carers who want to ensure they keep their children's wellbeing as high as possible given that children are coping with so many sudden changes.

Support services on Happy? OK? Sad? Have a look at the website to see the range of mental health support available to people in Warrington. You might want to start by looking under the general heading “Information about local and national services and support”.
If you need help right now, click I need urgent help
This site was created by CAMHS for young people, carers and professionals to pool together lots of helpful resources from across the internet that are available to help support your mental health and well-being.
The BBC Ownit site is available online and has a wellbeing app that children can use.