Welcome to Year 4
The Year 4 Team
Year 4 will be taught by Mrs Arkwright, Mrs Pennington and Mr Sathi. If you have any queries or need any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us. You can leave messages for us at the school office, or contact us through class dojo (urgent messages only through the school office please).
Useful Information
Bags: Children may use a book bag or a draw string bag. No rucksacks please.
PE Kits: PE kits must stay in school throughout each half term. Details of all kit and uniform is on the website. PE Kits must be in a drawstring bag.
Reading: Year 4 children are expected to read at home at least three times each week. Reading books from our school scheme will be changed on a Monday and Friday. Please can you sign their logs to confirm that they have read. Reading logs will be checked every Friday. Whilst children are waiting for their reading scheme books to be reissued they can take a book from our class library - the library book box will be left outside the classroom at the end of each day.
Times tables Children will be given their times tables book every Friday. The times tables book needs to be returned the following Friday. Children are expected learn times tables at home every week. Thank you for supporting your child with this.
Planning and Expectations
Please click below to see our planning and expectations: