Children at St Andrew’s C of E Primary School use the Internet on a regular basis as part of their learning. Technology enhances learning, and we want to ensure pupils get the most from it, by encouraging responsible online behaviour.
In school, we use a filtering system to prevent children accessing inappropriate sites. We also have regular ‘e-safety’ activities to remind children of the importance of keeping safe online.
E-Safety Support
Children often have the knowledge to use technology, but do not always have the widom to use it appropriately. By talking to children about using technology wisely we can help protect them.
The websites below are designed to help you in protecting your children online:
Below you will find the most up to date guides for social media apps and games. The guides provide information on 'what parents need to know':
/warrington/primary/standrews/arenas/websitecontent/web/gamingdisorder.pdf - Gaming Disorder
/warrington/primary/standrews/arenas/websitecontent/web/ageratings.pdf - Age Ratings
/warrington/primary/standrews/arenas/websitecontent/web/disney+.pdf - Disney +
/warrington/primary/standrews/arenas/websitecontent/web/fifa20.pdf - Fifa 20
/warrington/primary/standrews/arenas/websitecontent/web/fortnite.pdf - Fortnite
/warrington/primary/standrews/arenas/websitecontent/web/instagram.pdf - Instagram
/warrington/primary/standrews/arenas/websitecontent/web/minecraft.pdf - Minecraft
/warrington/primary/standrews/arenas/websitecontent/web/netflix.pdf - Netflix
/warrington/primary/standrews/arenas/websitecontent/web/nintendoswitch.pdf - Nintendo Switch
/warrington/primary/standrews/arenas/websitecontent/web/playstation4.pdf - Playstation 4
/warrington/primary/standrews/arenas/websitecontent/web/xboxone.pdf - XBox One
/warrington/primary/standrews/arenas/websitecontent/web/tiktok.pdf - TikTok
/warrington/primary/standrews/arenas/websitecontent/web/youtube.pdf - Youtube
Extremism and Radicalisation
As a parent you may be worried about how extremism and radicalisation might affect your child. We have put together this leaflet to help you understand more about extremism and radicalisation, and how you can deal with these issues. |
Operation Encompass
Our school participates in a police-led initiative called Operation Encompass, a scheme which ensures that we can better support any child where a domestic incident has been reported to the police from their home.
Following a domestic incident the police will make contact with the school via telephone and communicate any relevant information to nominated, fully trained school staff. This will ensure that they are made aware early enough to support children and young people in a way that means they feel safe, supported and listened to.
You can find out more about operation encompass via the following website: