Worship at St Andrew's

Church Worship
We visit St Andrew's church regularly to take part in celebrations worships, Eucharist and class worships. We celebrate key events such as Easter, St Andrew's Day and Christingle with all our friends and families in church.
Key Stage 2 take part in the regular Eucharist service in church once each half term.
Children may, if they wish, be confirmed whilst attending St Andrew's. They attend comfirmation lessons prior to their confirmation service. Confirmation is also available to any staff, friends or family of children in school.
Class Worship
Worship is carried out daily either all together in the the school hall or by individual classes in their classrooms. Each class has a Worship Box containing items such as a candle, a Bible, a cross and ribbons indicating the point in the chuch calendar. This is used to guide the act of worship. We also use Heartsmart to inform our daily worship and PSHCE lessons.
All worships are evaluated by the children and any visiting Governors.