Survey and Responses

We are keen to hear your thoughts about our school so we regularly produce questionnaires for you to complete (often at Parents Evenings). We also ask the children for their opinions on things that we do around school. Once we get your responces we have a ood look at them and tell you what we propose to do.
The links below will take you to the results of recent surveys and school's response.
Autumn 2024 Parents' evening Survey Response
Autumn 2023 Parents' Evening Survey Response
Spring 2023 Parents' Evening Survey Response
Thank you for all your suggestions. We have looked at all the results and have detailed what we are proposing to do next. Please look at the link.
How are you? You said, we did.
It was lovely to finally speak to you face to face at our Parent's Evening Autumn 2022. Thank you for completeing our survey; here are your responses and what we will do:
Three Stars and a Wish comments Autumn 2021
Following the latest lockdown we asked you what you thought of our provision. Here are your responses:
Remote Learning Offer response
When classes have been forced to close due to the COVID 19 pandemic we have approached parents for their views on our provision of remote working for their children. This is what they had to say:
We asked you how being in a church school made you and your family feel - here is what you said.
How does being a church school affect you and your family?
We asked you why you thought that St Andrew's was a special place - here are some of the lovely comments that you made: