Courageous Advocacy
'Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.'
Proverbs 31:8-9
St Andrew's is committed to promoting the children's understanding of global issues and causes to enable our pupils to become responsible global citizens.
We are committed to promoting opportunites for our pupils to:
- explore similarities and differences between their lives and the lives of people in various communities around the world.
- identify some ways in which their lives are connected with the lives of people in places across the globe.
- explore 'questions' about suffering, inequality and justice.
- discuss concepts and issues of injustice and disadvantage, and exploitation of the natural world.
- encounter relevant voices and stories that aid understanding of poverty and injustice.
Throughout the school year, pupils have the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment and 'courageous advocacy' to global issues in a range of ways including leading worship, developing fund raising opportunities and promoting local and global issues within their community, for example:
- Archbishop of York Award in Year 6.
- supporting a local hospice and foodbank.
- raising funds for Mary's Meals and Save the Children.
- Weekly opportunities to discuss global and local issues using Picture News.
Christian Aid Global Neighbours
We are very proud to have gained the Bronze Award for the Global Neighbours initiative run by Christian Aid. To see our report please click on the link below'
St Andrew's Global Neighbours Award Report